Scott and Karyn love the idea of working together to support their community through non-profit volunteering and intentional financial support. SVP provides an opportunity to be with others who believe in non-profit community engagement.
Scott retired after a long career in corporate consulting with Accenture where he was a Managing Partner. He has been in Charlotte since 1997 and loves to play golf or racquetball and ride his bike. He currently serves as Vice-Chair of the SVP Board and is board member with GenOne and Zabs Place (both SVP SEED20 participants). Scott has been a SEED20 coach and served on the Investee Selection Committee.
Karyn recently relocated from Hickory, NC and retired from a career in emergency and crisis management (think tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, deadly chemical releases, explosions and people doing something they shouldn’t have) where she also traveled the US to be the face of the emergency to the media and public as a crisis spokesperson. Karyn was involved for 40+ years as a volunteer, board member and board chair for a number of non-profits in the Hickory area.
Together Scott and Karyn love to travel, go to the gym and cook together. They have five children and one grandchild between them and one sweet (most of the time) puppy named Oaklee.