The 150+ nonprofit Social Entrepreneurs EmpowereD who comprise the SEED20 Alumni Network continue to make an impact across a multitude of issues in the Charlotte area. We want to help our alumni strengthen their social capital and storytelling capabilities, providing a capacity for them that is sorely needed in our current online world, and which will be incredibly valuable going forward. Even though in person events and interactions will return, “telling your story” in a concise and compelling way online will always elevate a nonprofit’s ability to have an impact in the community.
SVP is inviting nine years of SEED20 classes to join us in sharing their stories in diverse and effective ways. We will select a number of these alumni to work with coaches in distilling their stories down to short, professionally produced videos. This process will culminate in a series of live conversations in early 2021 that will provide a platform for our alumni organizations to share how they are continuing to serve their constituents and our community since participating in SEED20.
Additionally, we are working this year to strengthen the core elements of our SEED20 program. We know we have a proven pitch training program that successfully supports nonprofits, and then shares them with the community in a creative way. Looking at year 10 and beyond, SEED20 will continue to be responsive to the ever changing community landscape.
We look forward to when we are able to meet in person again. Mark your calendars for Spring 2022 when we will gather with our 10th class at SEED20 Onstage to celebrate 10 years of identifying, highlighting and connecting the community to our region’s most innovative ideas for tackling pressing social challenges.
Follow us on, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to learn more about SEED20 Presents: From SEED to Harvest. For questions or additional information, please contact Heather Karriker.