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Susan Daniel, Executive Director


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Fast Facts

What We Do

Social Venture Partners builds powerful relationships among people and organizations that make our world a better place. We cultivate effective philanthropists, fund and strengthen nonprofits, and invest in collaborative solutions to social challenges.


Susan Daniel, Executive Director

Heather Karriker, Associate Director

Beth Silverstein, Board Chair


Social Venture Partners was founded in Seattle, WA in 1997 and was the inspiration of former Aldus Corporation president Paul Brainard. The vision of the founders was to build a philanthropic organization using a venture capital model, where Partners invest in innovation, and then actively nurture their financial investments with guidance and resources. As interest in this new approach to philanthropy grew, SVP organizations began developing throughout North America. By 2001, a loose network had formed, and SVP International (SVPI) was created to support and advance this network. There are currently twenty-six organizations and over 2,000 individual Partners in the United States, Canada, and Japan.

The Social Venture Partners Charlotte chapter was organized in 2005 by local philanthropists. An initial group of twenty-four, we are now over 160 Partners strong and growing, dedicated to achieving long-term social change in the Charlotte region.

By the Numbers

160 members in Charlotte, NC

120 nonprofits supported through SEED20